Ridiculous Regulations

Book Studies 


Reflection of Practice was a five month editorial based design project in typography III. Our goal was to research ten pieces of literature involving typography and design, reflect on the piece and react. I created a spread for each with self generated content and imagery. The spreads were combined as a semester long project and realized as published books. “Five” was my first editorial exploration.


An independent study in experimental book design led to my first full riso book designed, hand-printed and handstitched in two weeks. Depth is an exploration into the problems our ocean faces. I gathered content through surveys and close friends to curate an edition of five books that explained, on a more personal level, why the ocean is suffering and what people want to do in the future for it.

“Ridiculous Regulations”

A book that furthered my experimental book experience using new forms as a starting point and furthering my riso skills. The book is 5.5 inches tall and 12.5 wide, refelecting the waters the book is centered around. Ridiculous Regulations, is a two week project that centers around the recent removal of the 1972 Clean Water Act. I am an advocate for preserving earth, especially our waters. Content derived from recent articles pertaining to the wetlands and estuaries of the nation.


Habits was born from our independent study when we felt like we were stuck in a system of too many constraints. We laid out one broad term of habits and generated from that. I used imagery from my daily life, riso and weathered. I then did a four color riso print which lead to the product of this abstract book style. 

“500 Page Book” 

This book was tasked upon us to complete in a time period of two weeks. We generated content from whatever inspired us. Through the few weeks we were asked to form a structure for the book that would become inspiration for the rest of our college design careers. I attempted to document my process of iteration and inspiration throughout the book.

I have quite a passion for book making as well as editorial spreads. I love the digital side of design but it does not have the same effect as holding a printed book in your hand and going through a narrative made by a designer.